How to Use This Site

Websites linked to this site that contain health-related information are shown in several tiers down from the respective department's main page.

Sample table
College main page

Category of main page / related institution's main page

Subcategory Contents Level of explanation Interactive function Description
University of Miami School of Medicine patients community Tobacco Awareness Program for Community Youth
Educational materials and workbooks on activities against youth smoking and guidance for teachers available for downloading. Also features anti-smoking rap music.

Related institutions
Institution or umbrella organization to which the school belongs (many of which are institutions such as a health science center integrated with a hospital or research institution) or sub-organizations set up under the school.
Pages branched from the main page menu or links, leading to the contents.
Educational materials / information of primary interest.
Level of explanation and Interactive function
content reliability indicators
Level of explanation
Understandability to the public on the uses of the content is ranked according to whether it:
   Clearly describes the purposes and uses of the content
   Describes the uses of the content only
   Describes no details
Interactive function

Whether users can ask questions / make inquiries:
    Not applicable

Brief introduction / description of the content